Time line to celebration!

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Date Name Comments Email
1/4/1999 Gand  alf Thanks again for everyone showing up! It was a great time! Everyone get ready for the summer party! WOOOHOO!!
1/4/1999 Richie  Rich A stone cold blast, man! What a gassss- trippin' funka delic outtasite groover!
1/4/1999 CROM  ;-P woohoo was a blast bro....what minors can we turn to the drakside next time? Muwahahahahaahah
1/4/1999 Striker  DEVO Was awesome....can't wait to drive 8 hrs in the summer to laugh my ass off at the minors drinking tequila like a baby sipping a bottle....thanks everyone
1/4/1999 Drahcir  --DEVO I don't know what I enjoyed more, fucking with Crispy or watching those girls get it on. Jolly good show.
1/4/1999 Lobo  Venom Dudes, the pics rocked...I downloaded the Lezbo thing...I'm just weird like that, hehehehe. Keep me in mind for the summer bash...I WILL SHOW UP FOR THAT ONE...just need a room though :)
1/4/1999 Black  Om? WOWEE! That was the greatest party I never made it to! All the talking and drinking with those people I'll never meet really tired me out!
1/4/1999 Kthulu / H0s3r  - Great party Keith. I had lots of fun, especially with Crispy and Oshea. Cya at the summer party.
1/4/1999 BackLash  DEVO/VOID Aw man I missed the girls making out - ok this summer no excuses for me not getting trashed. West U police watch out! Who was that chick in the plastic pants -yowieeeee!
1/5/1999 Castigator  Devo Looked like fun, maybe I'll just be crazy enuff this summer...
1/8/1999 Fire  Devo Woah that looked like a kewl party, wish i woulda been there, but maybe this summer crom can turn me to the darkside!!
1/13/1999 oj   You guys in Texas Drink some shit beer. God, SHINER SUCKS. Too bad I didn't get wasted at all down there. It's tricky drinking down there when you aren't 21 and aren't crispy. Wish me luck next tim
1/21/1999 G.R.Killer   Wow... looks like a blast. Wish I could've been there. Sux being stuck in Ohio :) Lemme know next time, it would be worth the trip!